Salwa Road, Street No. 340, Doha, Qatar.
Saturday -Thursday, 8:00 am - 8:30 pm
+974 44337000
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One Stop Solution

Tadmur Trading & Contracting serves the construction and infrastructure market in Qatar with a diverse range of products and services. The expertise of Tadmur Trading & Contracting lies in supplying internationally recognized brands to the local market.

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Seeking Optimum Performance
for the Commercial & Industrial Sector

Tadmur Advanced Solution Division offers technologies from a variety of leading manufacturers to guarantee a safer, more reliable, sustainable and efficient operations in both industrial and commercial sectors.

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Professional Solutions for
Modern Facilities

Tadmur Trading & Contracting is honored to lead a significant role in the development of the urban progress, by satisfying the continuous demand of the construction sector in the state of Qatar.

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Serving the Healthcare Sector
with Advance Medical Solutions

The Scientific & Medical Supplies Division seeks to be a total solutions provider for the healthcare industry.

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Superior Comfort and Premium
a Quality HVAC Systems

The HVAC Equipment Division has been involved in HVAC business from 1995, and is at the forefront of the change in lifestyles brought by air-conditioning in Qatar.

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Solving the Most Challenging
Water Systems

The Water and Wastewater Systems Division deals with an extensive range of products and solutions in water and wastewater projects – submersible pumps, water pumps, chilled water pumps, firefighting pumps, surge vessels, water heaters, water chillers and water filters.

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For all business inquiries or partnership opportunities, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Welcome to Tadmur Trading & Contracting

Tadmur Trading & Contracting serves the construction and infrastructure market in Qatar with a diverse range of products and services. The expertise of Tadmur Trading & Contracting lies in supplying internationally recognized brands to the local market.

Tadmur Trading & Contracting monitors changing market trends, and identifies gaps within the construction & infrastructure market Qatar. On the other end, it partners with reputed global manufacturers who make superior products.

Being a sole distributor of several international brands that have become market leaders in Qatar within their respective industries, Tadmur Trading & Contracting strives to remain competitive through its value-added services like installation, maintenance & technical support. It employs technically sound talent who work across many verticals and are experts in their domain.

A household name and a go-to place in Qatar, Tadmur Trading & Contracting works towards understanding market needs and providing customized solutions. The company prioritizes trust & customer satisfaction, and seeks to be reliable in all of the divisions it operates in, to be known for the quality of its products & services.

Our Divisions

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